EMBOA: Flores De Ermita Parada ng Mga Sagala and the Kasuotang Pilipino Fashion Show

We are pleased to announce that Ermita Malate Onwers Bussiness Association (EMBOA) Flores De Ermita Paarada ng mga Sagala and the Kasuotang Pilipino Fashion show is taking a giant leap forward showcasing our annual Flores De Ermita Event with young fashion designers of the Fashion Designers Association of the Philippines. This year's parade of carriage and mini-fashion show will begin at Manila Hotel and ends ar Robinson Place Manila on May 2,2016

After Last Years fantastic and unparalleled sucess event that started in Luneta Hotel,EMBOA have decided to take advantage of new opportunities of showcasing more historic and heritage bulidings and establishments. with historic value in the streets of Katigbak drive,Orosa,UN Avenue, Adriatico and Remedios Circle with iconic heritage desgin houses,buildings and the redeveloped Remdios Circle Park in Malate.

With Mayor Joseph Estrada, Digna Rosales (President of the FDAP (Fashion Designers Association of the Philippines) , 2015 Ms,Earth Philippines Angelia Ong. 

This year you will see the your favorite elements of the event with the Sagalas led by Miss Earth 2015 Angleina Ong, the sagalas will be parading around the Streets of Ermita Malate by horse drwan carriage wearing desingers gown made by some Filipino Renowned and up coming young desingers that are participating this year's Flores De Ermita Event.

Our mission of positive image and pride of place reamin strong and we are proud to continue our renewal agenda , community safety and securuty agenda for our residents , arts and cultural promotion,good neighborhood and bussiness partnership and in making stronger alliances with city Government and various stakeholders for the revival of  Ermita-Malate as a tourism destination.

To Celebrate the City of Manila's special version of the well loved May Flower Festival,the flores de Ermita will not only celebrate the beauty in fashion but wil also revisit the charm of the Philippine capital and once known as the pearl of the orient says, Michelle Pem Emboa President ,We look forward to continuing our great relationships and parntership with the Fashion Desingers Association of the Philippines,sponsors,the median and all the community leaders of Ermita-Malate. Our boear of Directors and members has kicked into full gear.

Anyone interested in getting involved as a sponsor,member,advocates of urban renewal,media realtions and volunteers please contact EMBOA admin office at telephone number- 526-1866;09085422952

Please visit our Website at www,emboa.com and like us on facebook: emboa
